Kenall Geo is a Houston based firm specializing in the Geotechnical Engineering and Pavement Engineering services. Our office is located at 8101 Westglen Drive, a 5,500 SF facility that houses an A2LA and USACE accredited geotechnical engineering laboratory. Our vision is to provide highest quality Geotechnical Engineering and Pavement Engineering services to our clients while maintaining our core values of honesty, integrity, respect, and collaboration and working with the highest ethical standards. We deliver these results with an unwavering commitment to Safety.
Our team has extensive experience of working in the private consulting industry. We decided to invest our expertise and knowledge to start Kenall Geo. We aim to build this company into a trusted engineering partner for owners and project teams. Collaboration and teamwork are the hallmarks of our team and these continue to be the foundation of Kenall Geo’s success.
Whether your site is located in the compressible water bearing soils along the gulf coast or the highly expansive soils of north and central Texas or the caliches and sandstones of West Texas, our team has the ability to provide tailor-made solutions consistent with the local construction practices. Our extensive experience with soils and construction practices across the state provides a unique and thorough understanding of complex problems and benefits each project. By using the latest software and best practice models to create appropriate design solutions we provide long-term value to our clients.