FM 897**
TxDOT Paris District / North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD)
The project consisted of a new 6.5-mile roadway for FM 897 beginning at US Highway 82 extending north to FM 2290/FM 1396. Portions of the roadway alignment are located in the marl bedrock geologic formation consisting of very high sulfates. Pavement recommendations were provided according to the TxDOT Pavement Manual and the Paris District Standards. Recommendations were provided for addressing sulfate issues via extended mellowing period, select fill replacement and/or the use of geogrid.
**Project listed is representative of Kenall Geo staff’s diversified experience from previous professional engagements. Kenall Geo staff acted as the Geotechnical Project Manager and/or Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record (EOR) on the project while they were with their previous employer.